Thursday, January 28, 2010


Let there be light in your mind
Make that light shine in your heart
Let the heart open you
Make you feel the friendship

Every single one is your friend
So be friendly with them
Each one of them is polite human
So be politely communicative

No, my friend, no
That someone is pulling your leg
Oh, my friend, oh
That someone is cooking your brain

I am the best appetite
Sometimes the worst attitude
Someday you like me a lot
Sometimes you hate me to death

Struggling to make the best of short life
I didn't bother to care about such things
Fighting to make the better life
I didn't pay attention to such people

Alone in cult of scars
Like an old wolf in the woods
Loner in world of wars
Like an angry warrior with swords

So real friend,

is noiseless voice
is useless choice
is nearest nurse
is rarest resource

is there for better and worse
is there for blame and compliment
is there for happiness and sadness
is there for weakness and strength

friend is priceless


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