Friday, February 20, 2009

Waiting Room

"It is really hard to see people struggling on the both sides of the hospital wall, ones on the operational table in emergency room and the others in waiting hall. You'll be surprised how people may react differently"

In a waiting room
Seconds crawl as hours
Not knowing what except.

While we wait
Piles of thoughts come to mind
Scared of bad result.

The worst thing is a patience
Does tear human up
Most of times, would not see smiles here.

Some pray for help to rescue
Some ask for easy way out "painless death"
Some worry about not having a insurance
Some wonder how much to get after this.

Whether all these requests are responded or not
We never know if it is right to ask for it.
Whether all these questions are answered or not
We never notice if it is right time to reach for it.

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