Monday, August 31, 2009
Opposites II
Friday, August 28, 2009
Тиймээ би харамч хүн
Хайран сэтгэлээ хүнд үргүй үрдэггүй
Халамж нөлөөгөө оргүй орхидоггүй
Халааснаасаа дэмий мөнгө унагадаггүй
Тиймээ би харамч хүн
Хэлэх үгээ хэнд хэлэхээ бодон
Хэрэг нэмэр болоосой гэж гаргана уу гэхээс
Хэлээд ч нэмэргүй үед харин ч нэг хав дардаг
Тиймээ би харамч хүн
Тусыг зарцуулсан мөнгөөр тооцдоггүй
Чадлыг хөрөнгийн хэмжээгээр илэрхийлдэггүй
Сэтгэлийн дэмд мөнгөн үнэлгээ өгдөггүй
Сэтэрсэн харууслыг архиар угждаггүй
Тиймээ би харамч хүн
Харамч гэхээр л монголчууд бидний нүдэнд
Харь нутгийн данжаад буух
Харам үгийнхээ утгыг ухаж зөв ойлговол
Харин их санаа түүний цаана нуугдаж буйг олох
Эх орон минь харам
Ээж аав минь харам
Эгэл энэ орчлон харам
Энэхүү хайр минь харам
Зүгээр Л ...
Сар, хоёр эсвэл гурван сарын өмнөхөн юм уу даа
Саатан хэдүүл цагийг өнгөрүүлж билээ
Сартай тэр оройг өглөө хүртэл.
Бяцхан түүнтэй танилцсан тэр мөч
Баясгалантай, хөгжилтэй эсвэл гэнэтийн юм уу даа
Баахан бид инээлдэж, оройг өнгөрүүлж билээ
Бараг үл таних түүнтэй үүр цайтал.
Яагаад ийм дотно мэдрэмжийг хүртэв
Ямар тавилангаар бид учрав
Гүнд нуугдсан сэтгэлийг минь хэн онгойлгов
Ганцаардсан бодлыг минь хэн хуваалцав.
Зогссон зүрхийг минь дахин цохиулах гэж
Унтарсан сэтгэлийн минь галыг дахин асаах гэж
Уйд автсан нүдийг минь дахин нээх гэж
Зориг мохсон мөрөөдлийг минь дахин сэргээх гэж
Зүгээр л чамтай учирсан бололтой
Зүрх минь дахин цохиллоо.
Зүүдэндээ чамайг хардаг боллоо
Зүгээ дахин оллоо (төөрч явсан бололтой)
Өнөөг хүртэл би тэр өдөрт баярлалаа гэж мэхиймүү
Өдгөөг хүртэл царцсан сэтгэлийг минь гэсгээсэнд
Өнөөдрийг хүртэл би түүнд гялайлаа хэмээн ёсолмуу
Өнчин зүрхийг цохилуулж амьдруулсанд.
Stalker (ep. 2)
Stalker (ep. 1)
A story about young warrior known as "Stalker"
Who guards the land that lays in between sacred mountains.
This is,
A story about orphan boy who survived the thunders
Accompanied with black bird, strange creature.
Long time ago,
Land was occupied by two clans "Northerns" and "Southerns"
Northerns were infamous for their cruelty and hunting skills
No doubt, that was the reason Southerns called them "Stalkers".
Few years back,
Nature mother was angry, eventually sent a message
Striking the thunders all over the land
No question, the message was for stalkers.
Finally, sun came out of dark clouds, what a relief.
Fortunately, nobody got hurt, hard to believe.
But luck wasn't meant for stalkers
Whole clan was struck by lightning.
That evening, southern clan leader went hunting alone.
On purpose, crossed the land of northerns.
That moment, he knew any mistake could cost him his clan
Very carefully he watched and listened to the noise.
No sign of live poeple made him relax
In the end cruelty was over.
No sign of rival clan made his clan the only clan
In his eyes he was the king of power.
Suddenly he heard baby crying and panicked
Was he even afraid of stalker baby?
After a while directed himself to the village
Was he following kid's tear.
He found little boy who could barely walk
With black bird sitting beside him.
Never seen this kind of birds before
Tried to scare the bird, but wouldn't leave.
He took the boy in his arms and sighed
Wasn't sorry for them, but for his daughters.
Lack of son would make him dissapear
Could lose control over his clan.
On the way he had a plan for kid
Good for him and good for the kid
Black bird watched them from the sky
Followed them slowly.
Clan wasn't happy that leader took stalker's orphan
In fact, they believed that was evil.
Who would believe that he was an angel
Intact only survivor, chosen to be alive.
Some time passed
Enought to get the boy to growing man
His childhood was in the past
Ready to strike like a man
People got used to the boy
Were curious when the boy would destroy
Boy and the bird never got used to them
Were furious day by day.
They called his bird "Black Seagull"
Would name him "Bird-man"
Some boys would call him "Stalkerboy"
Would deserve a slap from parents.
Older he got
Angrier he became
Longer he stayed in village
More aggresive he was.
That was why he loved to stay in mountains
His father would call it hunting
Truly, it was run-away from reality.
Lately father was talking about future of clan
He would name it a heritage
Honestly, trouble was stalker blood.
One day he would ask his father
If anybody went over sacred mountains
To see what's behind them.
Other day he would ask
If anybody went for a long trip
To discover other clans.
He knew the answers, but asked
Only this told him not being ready
Once i please my hunger
I shall come back for the clan, he said.
That morning father found son's dissapearance
Along with his sword and black seagull
Then he smiled and thought
My son is a man now.